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When You Help One Life, You Can Save Two

Shannon L. Alder once wrote, "One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone." Alone. That’s how a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy feels. She may have nowhere to turn and no one to help her. Disappointment, fear, and shame keep her from telling her parents or partner. Her friends encourage her to get an abortion to make it all go away.

You Can Impact What She Hears

“Abortion is Healthcare” is the message she hears from national organizations and her peers. She is saturated by marketing from abortion pill providers who claim it’s as easy as taking Tylenol. Over 50% of abortions in our nation use the abortion pill method. Women take two drugs, delivered right to their mailbox, with devastating consequences. In a culture that tells her abortion is her best and only choice, what other choice does she have? You can impact the message she hears. We know abortion is a devastating choice. Not only will it change her life forever, but it will rob her of the greatest blessing - her unborn child. Through your financial support, she hears there is hope for her—and for her baby. Your generous gift makes it possible for us to reach her and serve her well—with love, respect, and truth. When you partner with us, she will learn that we will care for her, walk with her, and empower her to choose life.

You Influence How She Feels

Entering an abortion clinic is a lonely, empty feeling. No matter who goes with her or if she feels pressured into her decision, she alone makes that choice. She is discouraged, afraid, and worried about her future. However, research tells us that if one person offered to stand with her, she would likely change her mind and keep her baby. With your partnership, our doors remain open to welcome her and let her know she is loved, valued, and deserving of grace. Your gifts provide options counseling, diapers, baby supplies, baby clothes, and life-changing parenting education. She can also hear more about the loving choice of adoption. You give us the ability to greet her with joy and encouragement. Because of you, we can pray with her, share Christ's love and tender forgiveness, and his plan for her eternity.

You Help Her See Truth

She’s told it’s a clump of cells. But when she walks through our doors, she’s told the truth. Whether through an ultrasound scan or fetal development models, your partnership allows us to reveal the reality of precious life growing inside her, the miracle of creation. That teeny heartbeat makes such a difference. Did you know that over 80% of women choose life for their babies when they meet them on an ultrasound scan? Your partnership makes it possible.

Helping One, Saves Two

When a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy learns she has people behind her, she has the courage to choose life. If she knows she will receive help, she doesn’t walk in fear. Generations are forever changed because she chose life for her baby. Please make a generous gift today. You can help women and families facing unplanned pregnancies hear, feel, and see the truth. You can save precious lives.

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